Sunday, July 24, 2011

A stylish, smart&eco cool wedding in the woods

Cassandra and Ignacio's beautifully designed wedding in Topanga on Friday, July 15, was effortlessly eco friendly just by being creative. Of course, as the bride is Chrysalis Couture’s Creative Director and Designer Cassandra Stearns, a new emerging designer in the textile and interior design world, the concept was carried out perfectly.

The table runners are Cassandra's design. The table setting: Golden chargers, (Ikea) old fashioned restaurant plates, whimsical vintage plates. Vintage water glasses. Brass bowls and vases from Thrift and Antique stores... Blue candles with LED lights... Everything is re-usable and fun, like...

 ...the hand made napkin rings. Cassandra even created her own cake stands with trucs trouves: she glued whimsical glass plates onto brass and porcelain candle holders, which made the eclectic look of the cake and dessert display unique and fun.

Her new Argentinian relatives had cooked and baked for many hours, trucking in delicious chocolate mousse, flan and pies, we rarely had so much fun setting up the dessert bar.

 To keep it within the looks they hand wrote their table numbers and even the candies matched...

For the chalkboards vintage frames were re-used by painting the inside with chalk board paint. The Happy hour before the wedding invited everybody to a fun and sometimes funny/spontaneous ceremony and heartfelt celebration. Cassandra created her beautiful dress from two separate articles of clothes and chose a bouquet entirely made from Kale.

Everybody played with masks and created a mini carnival for the photo booth to honor the Argentinian wedding tradition.

The Topanga stars twinkled over a unique celebration.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Weddings in Los Angeles

We are all so busy doing events that blogs have to wait for some of us. I am looking forward to  professional pics of Debra&Greg's colorful bash in May at the Upper Las Virgines Ranch...


Lesley&Geoffrey's theatrical Mid May wedding at the Inn...



.... not to forget Christopher&Suzanne's naturally green wedding at the Malibu Nature Preserve or
Pei& Marina in late June who convinced me to create 130 arty cup cake plates...

... Sasha and Lee's  joyful celebration in July, one of their highlights were Cake Monkey creations.

and Jessica&Adam's amazing architecturally inspired June wedding in the Natural History Museum...

.... so many pictures to look forward to.