Friday, January 27, 2012

Cake Monkey, Los Angeles

Yummy bites from Cake Monkey make the best dessert bars. The only sad thing was that the bride could have gotten double the amount: they were gone so fast, there was no bite left for the sugar craving wedding planner:) But then I get to go to their tastings with my brides, delicious.

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Jazzy wedding

Qian and David got married in October and jazzed the house. David plays this sexy saxophone... Their Asian inspired black and red decor fit to their sparkly spirits.

The cute little vases and wooden table numbers were a re-use and the minimal daisy decor fit perfectly to the relaxed Zen feel of the event.

The ceremony featured a traditional tea ceremony honoring parents and planet.


Their organic menu, an Asian/Mexican fusion, was the result of a special tasting and many foodie discussions: how to fuse the two cuisines without re-inventing the restaurant's banquet menu?

The baker did his best to copy Qian's intricate design.

The musical couple, Qian sang, David played sax, danced amazingly well together without rehearsal.

 The bouquet toss made somebody very happy...

Everybody had a lot of fun.

We had a happy time planning and manifesting Qian and David's gorgeous and eco-aware wedding.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

DIY Wedding Scrapbook/Guestbook

Fantastic scrap book guest book by Lorraine who got married to Michel on 11/11/11. The wedding and reception were as marvelous as this book. We had so much fun planning the affair.

Happily hand crafted wedding

Teacy and Richard's wedding in late August of 2011 was an inspiring event with many heartfelt and hand crafted details and it was at least for some part, about the lucky horse show.

Little blocks from scrap wood with hand painted table numbers matched the colorful mix of "one stroll through the flower mart".


Tracy's eclectic frames with pictures of important memories added to the personal and intimate feel.